On Top of Spaghetti Tom Glazer (#14 in 1963)

On top of spaghetti, All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball, When somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table, And onto the floor,
And then my poor meatball, Rolled out of the door.
It rolled in the garden, And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball, Was nothing but mush.
The mush was as tasty, As tasty could be,
And early next summer,  It grew into a tree.
The tree was all covered  With beautiful moss,
It grew lovely meatballs,  And tomato sauce.
So if you eat spaghetti, All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatballs, And don't ever sneeze.

On Top of my Pizza

On top of my pizza
All covered with sauce
Could not find the mushrooms
I think they got lost

I looked in the closet
I looked in the sink
I looked in the cup that
Held my cola drink

I looked in the saucepan
Right under the lid
No matter where I looked
Those mushrooms stayed hid

Next time you make pizza
I’m begging you, please
Do not give me mushrooms
But just plain old cheese